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    18 сент. 2007 г., 22:36:12
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    450x600 , EXIF
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Комментарий автора:
Conservation of the Asiatic Cheetah ! When conservation of the ( )Asiatic Cheetah is far important than saving the life of an old lady who was injured by the Ecotour's one day trip. Dr Houshang Ziaie is one of the directors of EcoTour-Iran who is more interested in saving the Iranian cheetah while ignore the plead of an injured traumatized old lady who suppose to be my mother !!!!! Since 10/08/07, NOBODY from Iran-EcoTour Company (Dr Houman Jowkar, Dr Houshang Ziaie, Dr Bijan Farhang Darreh-shouri, Mr Ali Adhami), and tour leaders (Mr Mohamad Manzarnejad, Mrs Azadeh Jouhari, Mr Ali Islam) has contacted my mother by any means and asked her how she was! i.e.-Was she alive or dead ! Apparently one of the EcoTour's director cares more about Iranian Cheetah rather than take care of my old injured & traumatized mother!! I wonder what Iran-Ecotour's response would be if my mother had been a foreign tourist traveling with them? Do you think it would be different? Mr Ali Adhami, the board of directors in the Iran-Ecotour’s website says: "We guarantee well- equipped, selectively catered, safe and eco- friendly trips."
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