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  • Дата добавления
    18 июл. 2007 г., 22:21:49
  • Оригинальное изображениe
    434x650 , EXIF
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Комментарий автора:
Pain, obedience and fear Turned to ways of our lives. Skies above us all had gone Into just thin gray line. We're kept in the limits of sense, By the strings, but are they strong enough? And locked are the doors of defense By the small gods inside of us. Angel, angel. Small gods inside of all of us. Angel, angel. True face we hope to see in us. Descended by heavenly heights Comes invincible thirst To break free our souls that had charred And to throw off our thorns. Words that sound in our heads Are just ruthless iron bells. We talk to the involute depths And to small gods inside of us. Angel, angel. Small gods inside of all of us. Angel, angel. True face we long to find in us. (с) R.Rain.
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