"The Sinner In Me"

  • Название работы
    "The Sinner In Me"
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  • Дата добавления
    28 июн. 2006 г., 17:41:17
  • Оригинальное изображениe
    900x649 , EXIF
  • Рекомендовано, раз
  • Просмотры всего/ЧКФР
    1224 / 0
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  • Оценка ЧКФР/ХС
Комментарий автора:
If I could just hide The sinner inside And keep him denied How sweet life would be If I could be free From the sinner in me I'll never be a saint That's not a picture that your memory paints Not renowned for my patience I'm not renowned for my restraint But you're always around You can always be found To pick me up when I'm on the ground If I could just hide The sinner inside And keep him denied How sweet life would be If I could be free From the sinner in me Taken from OldieLyrics.com I'm still recovering Still getting over all the suffering More known for my anger Than for any other thing But you've always tried To be by my side And catch my fall when I start to slide If I could just hide The sinner inside And keep him denied How sweet life would be If I could be free From the sinner in me
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