Комментарий автора:
Православный храм; Сербия (Объектив 22 мм)
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Вот и MP3 музыка для Вас:
Название: Изобразительни Псалам 102
Хор в Сербском Монастыре: Хиландар (Афон, Греция)
Линк: http://www.xadnadjev.com/tmp/psalam102.mp3
О музыке: (Извините, сегодня английский язык, я немного
In the night between 20th and 21st of November (3rd and 4th December in the Gregorian, "new style" calendar) in the year of our Lord 1999, in the Imperial Serbian Lavra of Hilandar, in the Garden of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Mount Athos, a festive all-night vigil was celebrated, at is done every year, to the glory of God, and in honor of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary, commemorating her Entrance into the Temple. The music we are listening to represents an assortment from the thirteen hour-long chanting alternately in Greek and Church Slavonic languages.
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