
  • Название работы
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  • Дата добавления
    9 окт. 2004 г., 03:38:24
  • Оригинальное изображениe
    854x666 , EXIF
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  • Просмотры всего/ЧКФР
    531 / 0
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  • Оценка ЧКФР/ХС
Комментарий автора:
Don Хуан and Карлос Кастанеда conduct conversation in a hut of Don Хуана. Карлос Кастанеда sits on the marching jacket closer to an output(exit) occasionally glancing on a decline And from time to time sets to Don Хуану questions in essence. Don Хуан, lays on the mat Having covered by a plaid and having enclosed(laid) pillows under a head, it is estimated by the tired and ill old man. Eyes of it(him) are hidden behind two round glasses of sunglasses, ears unnaturally big And grey, kind usually the smile looks like the wolf grin, exposing невесть Whence the undertaken canines... КК: the Grandmother, the Grandmother and what for to you such big and terrible ears? ДХ: It that is better to hear you Карлсон. КК: And eyes, what for you hide them behind dark glasses of glasses? ДХ: And it because I so see you in beams of a decline, my small better (with love strokes Hand small приборчик with not clear цыфрами) КК: Ясненько, угу, понятненько... (reflecting on what, well or pretending that reflecting) But a teeth, whence and what for such huge terrible teeth and to what these predatory canines - ледорубы? ДХ: the Teeth, a teeth will force you to throw your the most harmful and an addiction my dear!!! КК: what Grandmother? (tries to force to not shake with fear itself) ДХ: Индульгировать Kid ИНДУЛЬГИРОВАТЬ!!! (removes glasses, throws back a plaid, Rises from a mat one strong-willed movement and rushes on КК) КК: And - Ç-Ç-Ç-Ç-Ç-Ç-Ç-Альфа-Банк it to me нравитсА:) (jumps out from a hut and Runs in horror to breakage, lifting on the move параплан forward start and flies From mountain which local natives have nicknamed Оборонкой...)
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