Peace with you all

  • Название работы
    Peace with you all
  • Автор
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  • Дата добавления
    1 июн. 2010 г., 20:32:52
  • Оригинальное изображениe
    500x375 , EXIF
  • Рекомендовано, раз
  • Просмотры всего/ЧКФР
    495 / 0
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  • Оценка ЧКФР/ХС
Комментарий автора:
The V sign is a hand gesture in which the first and second fingers are raised and parted, whilst the remaining fingers are clenched. With palm inwards, in the United Kingdom and some other English speaking countries, it is an obscene insulting gesture of defiance. During World War II, Winston Churchill popularised its use as a "Victory" sign (for V as in victory) initially with palm inwards and later in the war palm outwards. In the United States, with the palm outwards, and more recently, occasionally inward as well, it is also used to mean "Peace", a meaning that became popular during the peace movement of the 1960s. In East Asia the gesture is commonly used with the palm outward, connoting positive meaning.
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