Многоножка (bearded fireworm )

  • Название работы
    Многоножка (bearded fireworm )
  • Автор
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  • Дата добавления
    10 июл. 2009 г., 13:02:50
  • Оригинальное изображениe
    1138x918 , EXIF
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  • Просмотры всего/ЧКФР
    3359 / 0
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  • Оценка ЧКФР/ХС
Комментарий автора:
bearded fireworm The bearded fireworm is a slow creature, and is not considered a threat to humans unless touched by a careless swimmer. The bristles, when flared, can penetrate human skin with little difficulty, injecting a powerful neurotoxin producing intense irritation and an incredibly painful burning sensation, which gives the worm its name, around the area of contact, which can lead to nausea and dizziness. This sensation lasts only up to a few hours, but a painful tingling can continue to be felt around the area of contact. In a case of accidental contact, application and removal of adhesive tape will help remove the spines; applying alcohol to the area will also help alleviate the pain.
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