
  • Название работы
    5 a.m.
  • Серия
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  • Дата добавления
    23 нояб. 2008 г., 00:33:20
  • Оригинальное изображениe
    1000x731 , EXIF
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Комментарий автора:
5 a.m. You asked me if i can just stay away and feel what will be than. But I'm not sure who I am. 5.05. Thinking what is mine. Feeling like? I die. 5.10. Writing what I can. - You answered only the next day Than you say: Without you I wouldn't be the same. A lot, a lot, a lot. Dot. 1.00. Night. Don't know what is what. Nothing goes with thought. I can't understand how it can be, when there are no you and no me. If there is not, how it can be a lot? 9.15. Me writing again. Think about who you are! I can't be a toy in your arm! Can't say nothing more, Thoughts about thoughts, Words about words. 03.40 a.m. Don't know what is it a day, after your last say - I can't be with you, it is hard for me and you, but i can't really miss you. -And this is the last what I say 02.10. p.m. We want things that doesn't exists. We want nothing... then.
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