Goshavank Monastery, XII-XIII Century.

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Numerous religious and monumental civil buildings show that in the twelfth—thirteenth centuries the monasteries were throbbing with life. Goshavank was erected in place of an older monastery, Nor Ghetik, which had been destroyed by an earthquake in 1188. Mkhitar Gosh, a statesman, outstanding scientist and writer, an author of numerous fables and parables and of the first criminal code, took part in building the monastery, which was known as Goshavank in his honor. Goshavank does not have outer walls, and is surrounded by village homes. All of the buildings are attached to each other except for S. Hripsime Chapel, which is on the opposite hillside and within view. Goshavank Monastery complex is located in a village of Armenia named Gosh, Tavush marz. 05.10.2008. http://ylt.azhdahak.com
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