Peace Offering to the President George W. Bush

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    Peace Offering to the President George W. Bush
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  • Дата добавления
    11 июл. 2008 г., 11:43:23
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    600x470 , EXIF
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These people are part of a bigger group of Iranian people who love and promote 'P E A C E' ; to whoever whose heart are filled with hate! In that occasion when I was trying to find a complete rainbow in full in order to take a photo, (you could see it in the background), I met them. They asked me to send their image with a message of "LOVE" to the President of America, Mr George W. Bush. I tried to tell them I was not able to. They insisted so much that I did NOT want to break their hearts. So I am uploading their images with their 'PEACE OFFERING' here, perhaps somebody closer to president George W. Bush give their message to him ! They are representive of three (3) generations of Iranian population. The man with dark glasses educated in the West and now prefered to stay in Iran to earn more money. The lady with 'Chaddur', an Islamic traditional covering is a grandmother with 9 grandchildren. The third man on the right is a farmer and a jack of all trades. 20 SUGGESTIONS FOR PEACE .......DO GIVE THEM A TRY ! PLEASE ! 1- Cultivate a home life where children develop a sense of well-being and wholeness. 2- Join a parent support group. 3- Provide a good example. 4- Help children experience forgiveness. 5- Don't buy war toys. 6- Avoid entertainment glorifying violence. 7- Curb backyard fighting. 8- Deemphasize possessions. 9- Tone down war expectancy. 10- Talk about war and peace. 11- Stress cooperative play. 12- Tell stories about love & peace. 13- Cultivate imagination. 14- Encourage autonomy. 15- Emphasize what it is that creates violence. 16- Have an abundance of peace materials in the home. 17- Cultivate friendships with other peacemakers. 18- Provide international experiences. 19- Support projects that express concern. 20- Send peace cards and letters. Quoted from Lorne Peachey's Twenty Suggestions For Teaching Peace. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ STOP THE INSANITY NO WAR WITH IRAN Protest Congressional Resolution Supporting Naval Blockade of Iran! A resolution before Congress, known as "H Con Res 362", is currently the central legislative priority of the pro-war lobby AIPAC. It is another step in the push for war. It is "demanding" a blockade of Iran, to be initiated by President Bush. Part of the specific language is the following:"Demands that the President initiate an international effort to immediately and dramatically increase the economic, political, and diplomatic pressure on Iran to verifiably suspend its nuclear enrichment activities by, inter alia, prohibiting the export to Iran of all refined petroleum products; imposing stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran," What does this mean? According to Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois "I do not see how this could be done without a blockade given its comprehensive and unequivocal language." A blockade is an act of war. This can lead to catastrophic consequences for all of us. This Resolution now has 220 cosponsors (including more than 100 Democrats, several of whom are in leadership positions) in the House of Representatives, a majority of members. It now seems likely to be taken up by the full House after the 4th of July recess. There is also a companion measure in the Senate. While this resolution is "non-binding", it will only add fuel to the fire, and make it easier for Bush/Cheney in their quest for war. Take Action! Go to and follow the link to find out more and send a note to your congressperson. Call your congressperson and tell them to speak out in opposition. Tell your friends. Join in Protest. Together we can stop this, together we can hold our representatives accountable.
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