
  • Название работы
    Aragats - View From The West Summit
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  • Дата добавления
    27 янв. 2008 г., 00:11:27
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    900x597 , EXIF
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Комментарий автора:
The North Summit - View of a small lake in the crater from the West Summit (elev. 4080m). Mt. Aragats, a dormant strato-volcano and the heighest mountain in the country. About 40 km from Yerevan, Aragats is a category 1B mountain. There are four summits: North (the highest) ,West, South and East (3916m) forming the jagged edge of the volcanic crater, once a massive cone (10,000+/- m) which blew itself open about 500,000 years ago. The crater spilled lava mostly to the east and NW, which have undulating landscapes; between the S and E crests the wall is broken, the lava filling in the Aparan plateau. 08.07.2008.08.07.2008. http://ylt.azhdahak.com
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