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Wedding Shooting - Low Light Conditions (UK Winter style) How to

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Wedding Shooting - Low Light Conditions (UK Winter style) How to
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Jeff Ascough
I only use available light. I don’t even take a flash gun with me anymore. I find flash photography to be vulgar and intrusive, and in all honesty, it is completely unnecessary – if you learn how to use light quality, rather than become obsessed with light quantity.

Ryan Browne
I use whatever natural light there is around me whenever possible, but this is not to say that I will not use flash. The flash is always mounted on one of my cameras. I will also use whatever lighting the venue has to offer, from downlighters, vapour lamps to candles. I also always have a dimmable video light in the car.

Barrie Downie
I want to keep the ambience of the location I may be in and not overwhelm it with additional light. If I need to add some light, I use a Canon 580EXII and 430EXII with PocketWizard TT1 and TT5s. I also use a Lowel iD light. I use a Lastolite softbox or umbrella if I need soft light, and adjust the flash compensation on-camera or set the flash manually.

Alistair Freeman
My lighting set-up is no different to that of a summer wedding, in that I don’t really have one – I very rarely use flash. Throughout the day I use very fast, prime lenses – these allow me to use any available light source to capture reflective, honest images of the day.

Christian Keenan
I typically only use lights during the dancing in the evening. When I do have to use flash, I try as much as possible to use it off camera along with a PocketWizard and Canon 580 EXII. If the off-camera flash option is not working for me I would always bounce the flash from on top of the camera. I always use the flash on manual as I like to have total control over it at all times.

Gordon McGowan
I tend to use only two video lights on my weddings – I just love the look it gives me for the final shot – and I only use flash for the group and dancing shots. The video light is a Lowell iD video light with a 100w halogen lamp with a set of barn doors. I also have a snoot attachment to give me a spotlight, and the video light has a facility to give you an open beam which spreads the light. With the settings in between, you can change the spread of the light, too, and finish off with a spotlight. My assistant attaches the video light on the end of a monopod to give me the height that I would require for some of my shots. You can also put the other video light on a tripod and use this for backlighting the veil. When using the video light, I have my white balance set to tungsten, then just work away using the video light to create the effect I like for the final image. The one thing you have to do when working with video light is to learn the skill of being a lighting director as well, because you have to direct the assistant who is holding the video light to place it in the right direction, to create the effect that you require.

David Murray
A photographer who is shooting in the winter should consider each press of the shutter, to wait, anticipate and not panic. By doing this, even the most difficult light and environmental conditions can be overcome.

Crash Taylor
It can be anything from natural light – with or without reflectors and diffusers – on-camera and off-camera flash, multiple wireless flash and/or video lights. The majority of the wedding day, though, is shot using natural light. It really just depends on the look I’m after and the location I’m shooting in. I always carry four Canon speedlites, a Lowel iD video light, a Lenser P7 LED torch and a Lastolite reflector and diffuser. But regardless of all this equipment, you cannot beat using natural light.

Mark Wallis
Embrace high ISO, use fast lenses, look for the light (even if there’s only a tiny amount) and don’t be afraid of blurred action and silhouettes.

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