* Interesting comment on dpreview: in 2010 we should get:
- D500 (DX)
- D800 (not D700x) with 18MP (not 24MP)
- A new wide angle prime lens
- A new mid range zoom lens with VR
- A super tele zoom lens with VR (all lenses expected by February, 2010 – for details see older post)
This is pretty much nothing new (it seems that we now have a rumor consensus for all those lenses), except the 18MP sensor. Two weeks ago I received a tip that Nikon has been actively working on a 16MP full frame sensor – maybe they redesigned the 16MP chip and turned in into a 18MP?
Unlikely to be named D800
Me was promised it wlll not be named D700X. I hope so, otherwise it will cost me some wine! emoticon - smile
Furthermore I heard it will not have 24MP and also not the same sensor due to problems with video and that the it will be 18MP.
These are the names I heard last week again (I always ask once a week about news emoticon - smile and which should come out in 2010.
D500 (DX)
A new wide angle prime lens
A new mid range zoom lens with VR
A super tele zoom lens with VR
No details yet
EDIT: the only detail I heard is that new Nikon items will be there in February 2010, don't know if February is a special month for Nikon, I'm not a Nikon guru and don't know there release history by heart.
NIKON D500(DX) & D800 & много "NEW MODEL" линз выйдут 02.2010!
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NIKON D500(DX) & D800 & много "NEW MODEL" линз выйдут 02.2010!
Д500 давно пора было сделать.
А то непорядок какой-то в линейке у никона.
Младшая модель по всем статьям лучше старшей.
А то непорядок какой-то в линейке у никона.
Младшая модель по всем статьям лучше старшей.

пока-что из разряда гаданий на кофейной гуще.
подождём анонса :)
подождём анонса :)
Д800+ какойнибудь (тот самый новый?) ширик..Мм должно быть круто :D